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5 Common Circulatory Issues to Watch Out for During Winter

The winter frost not only makes the air chilly, but also plays havoc with our circulatory system, which often leads to poor foot health. But fear not; with a little know-how of specific circulatory issues and smart management, you can keep your feet feeling fabulous all winter long.

Raynaud’s Disease

Raynaud’s disease, also called Raynaud’s phenomenon or syndrome, is a condition that makes it hard for blood to flow to some parts of the body, usually the toes and fingers, when the body is cold or stressed.


  • To lessen the intensity of Raynaud’s symptoms, keep the entire body warm.
  • To keep warm and encourage improved blood circulation, use hand and foot warmers.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a blood flow problem that happens when plaque builds up in the arteries, usually the ones that go to the legs and feet. This narrowing of the arteries cuts off blood flow, which can cause leg pain, cramps, and stiffness, especially when you’re moving around.


  • Frequent exercises like walking and cycling are good ways to improve circulation.
  • A nutritious diet is essential for maintaining heart and vascular health.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

In colder conditions, blood clot formation may be more likely due to dehydration and thicker blood.


  • To avoid blood thickening, make sure you’re getting enough fluids.
  • Leg Exercises to increase blood flow. Use foot pumps and ankle circles.


Prolonged exposure to cold, especially on the fingers and toes, can cause inflammation.


  • Opt for warm, weather-resistant footwear.
  • To avoid aggravating chilblains, gradually warm up chilly feet.


Prolonged exposure to extremely cold temperatures can cause the skin and underlying tissues to freeze.


  • Wrap up warm, moisture-wicking socks to protect your feet.
  • Try to avoid spending too much time in really cold weather.

Proactive Measures for Winter Foot Care

  • General Foot Care: Make sure to inspect your feet every day for any indications of circulation problems.
  • Temperature Awareness: Be aware of temperature variations and make appropriate clothing adjustments.
  • Frequent Health Check-ups: For routine evaluations of circulatory health, speak with medical professionals.

Do you have questions or concerns about the circulatory and cold weather conditions mentioned above? Contact your podiatrist!

Call the friendly My Chicago Foot Expert staff at (773) 561-8100 or click here to schedule an appointment with Cook County podiatrist Stavros O. Alexopoulos, DPM, in our modern, comfortable Ravenswood office today.

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